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How to Avoid Committing the Sin of Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit

Many are inquiring what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is. Some are even afraid or suspecting that they might have committed this kind of blasphemy, or are in danger of doing so. They are especially afraid since they are told that this sin cannot be forgiven here on earth or in the next life.

What the Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit Is

Actually the idea of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is very simple. It is attributing to the Devil the work of the Holy Spirit. When there is something done that is clearly good, like healing, and you say that this healing or good thing comes from the Devil , then you are blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

How I Could Have Blasphemed the Holy Spirit

Let me give an example from my own life. For 27 years I had suffered from a chronic skin disease called eczema in my hands and feet. I had consulted many physicians about this. I was given many medicines, both ointments and tablets. After taking the medicines the condition of my skin would improve, but after a while the disease would come back. A higher dose of medicine was then necessary to contain the skin irritations and swelling. This was the cycle for those 27 years: skin inflammation with redness, itching, lesions, then taking of medicines, a temporary cure, back to the inflammation again.

The worse part of this disease was that there were so many foods I could not eat if I did not want the eczema to recur. I could not eat pork, shrimps, chicken, and other tasty foods.

In 1986 I went to an old woman in our village who was reputed to cure some diseases that could not be cured by the doctors of conventional medicine. What she did was she just brushed my body with a shrub that she pulled out from her backyard. Then she told me not to take a bath for three days. She uttered some words as she brushed the shrub on my body. But I could not understand the words she uttered.

That was all. I got cured of eczema forever. From that time I could eat any of the food which was forbidden for me to eat before lest my skin would get inflamed again.

This woman was not particularly religious. She was poor. Her house was very simple. Her manners were very ordinary.

If I say that she performed her cures by the power of the Devil I would be committing the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

In general, then, to attribute any good thing to the Devil as the source of that good thing is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

You need not mention or think explicitly of the Holy Spirit to commit this kind of blasphemy. It is enough that you attribute to the Devil any good thing that you see, perceive or that happens before you.

For example, you say, “By the power of the Devil I won in the lottery.” This is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit although you did not mention the Holy Spirit and although winning the lottery is only a relative good because lottery itself is morally objectionable.

The Pharisees did not mention the Holy Spirit when they blasphemed him, as recorded in Matthew 12. They just said that Jesus did a good thing, the curing of the blind and dumb man, by the power of the Devil.

How To Avoid Blaspheming the Holy Spirit

To avoid committing the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit never attribute any good thing to the Devil, even if the one doing it is a shaman or a witch doctor.

Concerning why this sin is unforgivable, it is because by this sin you deny the mercy of God. When you deny that God is merciful how can God show his mercy to you? You deny God’s mercy by virtually calling the Devil good, since you take him as the source of that particular good thing. You deny that God is the source of goodness, of mercy.

Now that you know what blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is, I hope that you will never commit this in your life. Because it is an unforgivable sin.

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How to Avoid Committing the Unnoticed Blasphemy

Murder and rape are heinous crimes. But do you know that there is a more heinous crime committed in classrooms, in ordinary conversations and even in sending SMS (Short Message Service) or what some refer to as text messages?

It is the crime of blasphemy. It is a crime not against a human being but a crime against God himself.

Most people, even professed Christians, do not realize this, and ignorance of this fact is a major obstacle in spiritual development. It may even be the primary reason why in most of our churches of whatever denomination the spiritual life of their members is at a very low level. That is why I said it is an unnoticed blasphemy.

Blasphemy in the Classroom

A teacher scolds her student and says, “My God! Is that all you have learned today? Can you not do better?” This teacher may not realize she has blasphemed the name of God himself. If anyone reproves her for using the name of God in vain she may simply reply, “I did not mean to blaspheme God. I was just using an expression, used by almost anybody.”

That is the trouble, using the name of God in vain is done by almost anybody and so it has become so familiar that nobody thinks it is a crime against God.

Blasphemy in Conversations

In a conversation, we often hear of expressions like “Goddam good”, “O God, what did you do?”, “God damn you”, and so forth. Our ordinary conversation is seasoned with such expressions. And we don’t care. We think it is just a matter of words or sounds.

Blasphemy in SMS

I often receive SMS or text messages saying, “God bless you”. The intention is good. The sender of the text message is invoking God’s blessing upon me. But the way it is done, it is done in so ordinary a manner that I suspect it is merely a decoration in the text messages. It is not done in a reverential way, with fear of the name of God. The sender just presses some keys and off the message with the word “God” goes out of the cell phone to another cell phone.

If the enormity of the crime depends on the dignity of the person we wronged, then blaspheming God in these ways is indeed a very great crime, greater than murder and rape which are inflicted only on human beings.

So the question comes: How do we avoid committing this unnoticed blasphemy? Here are the steps.

Steps to Avoid Blaspheming God

First, do not localize your God. Do not think that he is up there in the clouds. Do not think that he is inside the church building. The Spirit of God is everywhere. I know some will object to this statement. But what I just want to emphasize is that you do not localize your God, you do not pin him down to a certain place. God is greater than all the worlds, all the universes, galaxies that we know or can ever discover.

Secondly, do not materialize your God. Do not think of him as a bearded father up there somewhere. He is father but not in the manner of our human fathers. He is father because he is the source of all, just as our father is our human source. But he does not look like us, with a physical body.

Thirdly, be aware that God is greater than all that there is, and is present in all that we think, say and do. This awareness ought to give you a sense of reverence for him. By reverence I mean fearsome respect, not servile fear, but an awareness of his immensity.

Fourthly, when you catch yourself blaspheming God by using his name in vain, as in conversations or when you are surprised or excited, say a prayer for pardon. The Spirit will sooner lead you to reverence the name of God in your conversations.

Fifthly, when you hear of others using the name of God in vain, bow your head and quietly say the first petition in the Our Father, “Holy be your name” or “Hallowed be thy name” or “May your name be ever honored,” whatever translation of the Our Father you are using. This is to counteract the blasphemy which you have just heard.

These steps are very simple and very doable. If you want to progress farther in your spiritual journey, you need to honor God’s name.

A word of explanation is in order. You may have noticed that I do not capitalize the pronouns which refer to God. I do this on purpose in full obedience to the Lord. He does not want pronouns referring to him to be capitalized, at least in my usage. For God, every word is sacred, for he is Word. Grammarians have put a rule to capitalize pronouns referring to the divinity. It is merely a human rule. You will not find this rule in the Scriptures.

And now may you be one of those who give due respect to the name of God and because of this may you come closer to him and enjoy him more.

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How to Know If It's Really God Speaking to You - Check Everything Against Scripture

The president of a local college one day came to me and told me that God spoke to him. He said that he asked God to give him a teacher who would teach in his college. According to him God answered by telling him to get me to teach in his college.

Did God Really Speak to Him?

Was it really God who spoke to him in this instance? Or was it just his subconscious mind which suggested my name as a possible teacher in his college?

How do you know that it is really God who spoke to you? Or how do you know that it was not God who spoke to you but only your subconscious mind or other spirits?

Some Clarifications About God Speaking to Us

First of all, let us clarify the idea about God. God is not like us who have bodies and who have mouths to speak. God is spirit and he has no parts like us. He is simple. He is one without parts. All good books on theology tell us about this simplicity and unicity of God.

When we say therefore that God speaks to us, we are using an expression to describe our way of thinking about God, not what God is in himself.

Secondly, we human beings speak in order to communicate with other human beings or sometimes with animals and plants. (There is scientific proof that speaking to plants helps them in their growth.) And in speaking we use words which contain the ideas we want to communicate with others.

God, however, does not need words to communicate with us. He communicates with us all the time. If he stops communicating with us we would go back to non-existence.

Think of it this way. God is the one spirit in whom we live. We know that on earth we are immersed in a sea of air. The oxygen of this air is what we breathe in order to live. If we do not breathe after a few minutes we would be dead.

We can think of God as the spirit in whom everything is: human beings, plants, animals, the stars, the planets, the spaces between these heavenly bodies and beyond, everything that there is. We are all immersed in God, in a similar way that we are immersed in the air around us.

If we therefore live in God he communicates with us all the time and he does not need words to do so.

Thirdly, there are moments in our life when we need guidance from God, like the president of the college I referred to above. When we receive this guidance we term it as “God speaking to us.” It is clear therefore that in this instance when we say that God spoke to us, it is not by means of his mouth that he spoke to us because he has none. Nor does he necessarily use words in speaking to us because he can communicate to us without the use of words, unlike in our case as human beings with other human beings.

When we say that God speaks to us, we are using figurative speech to say that we receive a communication from God moving us to think, speak or do something.

Of course, we have read of cases where God spoke like a human being to certain chosen persons, like Abraham, Moses, Samuel and the other prophets. But again this was done by God so that human beings could easily understand him.

Now the question gets more precise and clear. How do we know that it is God who communicates with us, not some other spirits, and not our subconscious mind?

Be Imbued With the Scriptures

All Christians will answer that question by saying that we need to check everything against the Scriptures or what is contained in the Bible. If the idea is something that is forbidden by the Bible, we conclude that God cannot be the source of this idea. An example would be if we get a communication from a source we think is of God but it tells us to kill our neighbor, that idea cannot be from God because it is clear from the Bible that we should not kill.

But there are thousands of cases where the Bible does not specifically prescribe. For example, a young man may ask God what course he should take up in college. How would this young man know that the answer is not from another spirit or just from his subconscious? What does it mean to check this answer with the Scriptures? Does it mean that he opens the Bible at random after sincerely praying to God for guidance and reading the first verse his eyes alight upon and then getting the idea from this verse about what God wants him to take up as his course in college?

As an example, if his eyes alight upon the verse where Jesus calls his disciples, then he concludes that he is called to the ministry and takes up a course in the seminary for the ministry.

There are some Christians who really do this. But I do not do it.

When I say that we should check the Scriptures for the guidance of God what I mean is that everyday, not just when we need a particular guidance, we read a portion of the Scriptures and meditate on it. In so doing the Scriptures become a part of our lives and when we need a specific guidance, the Lord will take, as it were, a passage from the Scriptures and move us to think, speak and act along that passage from the Scriptures.

Going back to our example, if the young man has the habit of daily meditating on some portion of the Scriptures, and he asks God to guide him on what course to take, God will take a passage from that Scripture without his opening it randomly and impress upon his mind what course to take. How do we know that this idea comes from God? We know because he is constantly in fellowship with God through the Scriptures. The other spirits cannot insert themselves in this fellowship to disturb his mind. And his subconscious will be formed according to the mind of God himself. Therefore even if it comes from his subconscious it ultimately comes from God who is master of his subconscious.

So, let us go back to our original question at the beginning of this article: Was it really God who spoke to the college president to take me as one of his teachers? That depends on the quality of the Christian life of that president. Does he meditate on the Scriptures on a daily basis? If he is in constant fellowship with God, then it was indeed God who spoke to him. If he does not have this constant fellowship with God then the idea that I teach in his college came from his subconscious desire to have a qualified teacher in his college.

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Two More Reasons Why Jesus Has Not Yet Come Back

For the followers of the three great religions of the world, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, the great event which they are all looking forward to is the physical coming of Jesus. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the book THE LATE, GREAT PLANET EARTH of Hal Lindsey and Carole C. Carlson became a best seller in the 1970s.

Three Great Faiths, One Expectation

Christians have put this second coming of Jesus as one of the articles of their Creed which states: He (Jesus) will come again to judge the living and the dead. Among Catholics in the daily Mass after the so called consecration of the bread and wine, the people acclaim aloud: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Muslims have Qur’an 43:61 to affirm that Jesus will come again for the hour of judgment of all mankind. It is believed by them that Jesus will bring a rule of justice and peace when he comes.

The Jews of course through the centuries since the time of the Prophets have expected the coming of their Messiah who for Christians is Jesus. The modern devout Jew prays for the coming of the messiah, a king like David, 3 times a day. Of course, for the Jews it will not be the second coming of their Messiah but his first coming.

Combining the followers of these great religions we have close to 3.5 billion people who expect, at least in their creedal statements and prayers, for the physical coming of Jesus.

So the question “When is he coming again?” has caught the curiosity of many people. In fact a whole new denomination has been founded on the preparation for this second coming of Jesus, the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

In the book of Hal Lindsey and Carole C. Carlson I cited above there are passages which many have interpreted that these authors really believed that Jesus would come again no later than 1988.

But Jesus has not come again. Why?

Three Reasons Given Why Jesus Has Not Yet Come

In the book BEYOND 2000, written by 8 Seventh Day Adventists, there is a box in one of the articles with the title “Why Has He Not Come Yet?” by Jan Paulsen. He gives three reasons why Jesus has not yet come back: 1) The followers of Jesus are not yet ready for this coming; they are not yet so devout and dedicated that they are worthy already of their Master’s return. 2) God is still waiting for more people to be saved, to get into his kingdom. 3) God must allow rebellion to run its course; by letting Satan, the enemy, do what he wants with humanity, he will lose his credibility and thus when Jesus appears he will be unanimously accepted in place of Satan.

Six Legal Requisites for the Coming Again of Jesus

Tim McHyde has given a list of legal prerequisites to Jesus' return which are: 1) the event of the Great Tribulation; 2) the erection of the image of the beast which is termed as the Abomination of Desolation; 3) the cessation of the Temple Mount Sacrifices which have not yet started; 4) the building of the Third Temple; 5) the fulfillment of the Sixth Seal which is entire populations panicking and running for shelter; 6) the destruction of Damascus. Since these prerequisites have not yet been accomplished, Jesus’ return is not yet imminent, according to McHyde.

Two More Fundamental Reasons Why Jesus Has Not Yet Come Back

To these three reasons and 6 legal prerequisites I add two more which so far have not been mentioned by those who predict Jesus’ second coming.

The first is that nations have not yet been immersed or absorbed into the life of the triune but one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You see, the commission given in Matthew 28:19 is to make disciples of nations, not individual persons. Then as these nations are made disciples of Jesus they are going to be baptized, immersed, absorbed into the name, the life, the power of the Father, the Son and the Spirit. We do not see this happening.

So far what we have been trying to do is go and search for individuals who would want to follow Christ and make those individuals his disciples. But the object of the verb “disciple” is nations, not individuals from among all the nations.

The second is that we have not yet preached the Good News to all of creation as this is stated in Mark 16:15. Instead we have been trying to preach to all human beings. The indirect object of the verb to preach or evangelize is all creation, not just human beings. It seems that it is only Giovanni Francesco di Bernardone who has done this. He is the only one on record who has talked to animals and plants about the good news of God’s love.

And why do I mention these conditions? Because they are conditions which we can do. The 6 legal requirements by Tim McHyde are not in our power to accomplish. The requirements of our Adventist friends are too general. But fulfilling these two commands of Jesus which are termed the Great Commission can be done by us and in doing so we will be following the advice of Peter in his second letter to hasten the coming of the day of God which includes the second coming of Jesus.

Disciple the Nations, Preach to the Animals and Plants

So, let us plan on making whole nations, not just individuals, disciples of Jesus. And let us preach the Good News to animals and plants, planets and stars, the elements of this universe. As we do this the day of Jesus’ physical coming for us Christians and Muslims and Jews will come sooner than what is happening now.

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