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How To Keep Young People in Church

A word concerning the meaning of the title of this article is necessary. I do not like to change the title of this article but I want to state some clarification. This is still part of our discussion on spiritual development.

The Young Does Not Exclude the Old

I certainly focus on young people because they are in the prime of their youth, and because of this they are so much more useful to the Church. But I do not exclude the older people. Certainly older people are also leaving the Church. It was the older people who left the church in mass in Europe, emptying their beautiful churches, now tourist spots. After all it is not only young people who need spiritual development, old people need it too, perhaps more so.

The Church Refers to Two Realities

Secondly the word "Church" is ambiguous because it is here taken in two meanings. When this word "church" is used here and is not capitalized it refers to the church as an organization, as a denomination, as a group of people who call themselves Christians. The pronoun used to refer to this kind of church is "it".

On the other hand, this word "Church", which is capitalized, is taken to mean the bride of Jesus, that reality transcending space and time, composed of all those who believe in him as God's Son, and represented by 2 or 3 or more who gather in one place to worship God and to listen to him. The pronoun used to refer to this kind of Church is "She".

Our Concern Is With the Church as Bride of Christ

And the meaning of the title is not how to keep the young people in their churches, in their organizations or denominations, but in the Church, the Bride of Christ, the universal all time Church expressed in a local community of 2 or more people.

So, to restate the question we ask: How do we keep young people together with old people in the Church of Christ, that universal fellowship of those who believe in Christ?

The reason for taking this as the meaning of the question is because in a study by George Barna, it was found out that many of those who left the organizational churches did so because they wanted to be Church. In other words it was not their intention to leave the Church of Christ, the fellowship of all Christians, but only their denominational or organizational churches.

So, how do we keep these young and old people in the universal Church of Christ? The answer may appear to be obvious, but in all the many studies on the solution to this problem of young people leaving their churches, it is not stated with clarity and emphasis.

The Answer Is by Giving Them Christ

If according to Giovanni Battista Montini in his address last February 3, 1965, Christ is the joy of every heart and the answer to all its yearnings, then why not give him to our young people? Without being aware of this our young people are yearning for Christ. And our churches do not give him to them.

Give Christ to these young people and also to the old, and they will remain in the Church of Christ, his bride, unless they reject him outright. If they have Christ and live as Christ they will develop spiritually wherever they are. Their spiritual development will be assured.

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The Primary Reason Why Young People Leave the Church

There is only one primary reason why young people leave the Church. And that reason is because the Church is no longer relevant to them. And the reason why the Church is no longer relevant to them is because the Church has not exerted the effort necessary to make itself relevant to these young people. It has not really contributed to their spiritual development.

People Do Not Go Through the Seven Stages of Spiritual Development

Daryl Mitchell wrote a book entitled The Spiritual Life Cycle to explain this phenomenon and to give a solution to this problem. His answer to this problem is that these young people leave the church because they have not developed spiritually. Then he explains the seven stages of spiritual growth and how people have to go through these seven stages. If these young people are led through these seven stages they would not leave the Church. He hopes that his manual will help churches keep and nurture their members to spiritual maturity.

A very brief description of the work of the Churches will clarify why they have not exerted the necessary effort to be of relevance to these young people.

What the Churches Do

Churches primarily hold worship and preaching services, Sunday schools and prayer meetings. These are regular weekly activities. In these activities they have already an agenda. The basic agendum, as they would like to express it, is to fulfill the Great Commission of evangelizing others. The other agenda may be putting up a camp for this purpose, repairing the church building and facilities, visiting sick members, increasing the income for some worthwhile projects.

In all these activities the Church leaders never ask what the young people need. They presume they, the leaders, know what they, the young people, need. And so they drill into these young people the necessity of more prayer, more study of the scriptures, more evangelistic activities. They hope that these will keep their young people active and involved in the church activities. They do not care about the personal spiritual development of these young people.

Why These Activities Are Not Relevant to the Young

The basic problem is that these young people engage in all these activities because they think they are expected to do them. Most even come forward to receive the Pastor’s invitation to receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord because it is expected of them to do so. And they attend the preaching services, Sunday schools, prayer meetings, youth camps, youth fellowship, etc., because these are expected of them. Although they may not find personal fulfillment in doing these activities they are there because they feel that they are expected to do so.

No wonder, when they have an opportunity to be by themselves, without somebody around expecting them to do something related to the Church, they drop out of church activities.

They drop out because the Church has not given them what was relevant to them. They looked to their Church to satisfy their deepest longings and desire. Instead the Church has given them ways (of course, interesting and exciting ways) how to study the Bible, ways how to pray, techniques how to witness to others about their faith. This is reflected in the preaching, Sunday school curricula, and church activities.

I think that is the real reason why these young people drop out of Church when they become adult. The Church is no longer relevant to them. Not only young people, but old people as well, especially in Europe and North America. The Church seems not to care about their genuine spiritual development.

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Three Steps To Finding New Life With New Parents

All of us who were born into this world were born of a pair of parents, a father and a mother. We were not able to choose these parents. Some of these parents were good and stayed together to raise us up as best they could. Others did not stay together and one of them or both abandoned us. But whatever might have happened, we are stuck with our biological parents. We were not able to choose them.

In a similar way we were not able to choose what kind of life we would lead. Those of us born in a rich family enjoyed the amenities and luxuries of this kind of life. Those of us born in a poor family had to suffer the lack of necessities of such a condition.

But rich or poor when we were reaching adulthood a desire came to us to improve our lives. Many rich kids grew up with their parents away from them most of the time. They were given over to the care of domestic helpers or nannies. Now that they are entering adulthood they desire a new life, one that would give them more time with their parents.

Many poor kids want to improve the financial situation of their family. And for this they help in the work of their parents, whether it is tilling the soil, selling in the sidewalks of the city, or scavenging for usable materials in the garbage dump site. But deep inside, they want a new life, a way out of their poverty.

What most of us do not realize is that we can have a completely new life and in this new life we can choose our parents, unlike in the human life where we are stuck with our biological parents.

Here are the three steps to enter a new life and choose a new set of parents.

1. Look for the Word of God and read it. Read the Bible if you are a Christian. If you are a Muslim, read your Bible, the Sacred Qur’an. Or if you are a Hindu or Buddhist or whatever, read what your religion considers as sacred writings.

2. The second step is think again and again of what these books tell you about God. This is crucial. Most of us who read the Bible or our religion’s sacred writings think about what the writings say we must do in order to be happy. This will not be so in your case. You will not think of what you are supposed to do, but of what and who God is. You can do this for as briefly as five minutes a day.

3. Keep on doing this second step until the day comes when you realize that you are becoming like the God whom you are reading and thinking about. This may take years or it may take months. But it will be worth the time, waiting, and effort. When the point of time comes that you feel a deep and complete satisfaction in your life, rejoice and be really happy. You will have God as your father, his spirit as your mother. You will be born into a completely new life. You will become spiritual, like God himself.

People tend to complicate things. People also tend to exclude from their group those that do not agree with them. But when we realize that we are all human beings and capable of becoming divine beings by being born of God, we will recognize one another as brothers and sisters either in the human life or in the divine life.

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The Seventh Stage of Spiritual Development

The seventh stage in spiritual development is the repetition of the cycle of spiritual development in the lives of persons. As the seed of God's word continues to be sown in the hearts and minds of persons, more and more spirits are conceived and born into this world. And some of these do mature and bear fruit which contains the seed for further sowing in the hearts of more and more persons. This is now the quantitative development of spirits or the multiplication in the population of spirits.

Diverse Problems with Increasing Population

When we plant a single seed, like a vegetable seed, we can watch it grow, mature, bear fruit. There is not much of a problem because there is only one plant to take care of.

But the problem arises when we plant many seeds and thus cultivate many vegetable plants. The more plants there are, the more problems we have. We have to cope with fertilizer because the nutrients in the ground may not be enough to support the needs of the many plants. We have to take care of the pests, since the more plants there are, pests are more attracted to them.

The problem becomes compounded when we have a whole plantation of the vegetable. We now have to take care that passers by do not trample on the plants and stray animals do not eat them. Irrigation may be needed. And so forth.

In a similar way the same happens in the reproduction of spirits. When we plant the seed of God's word in one person, we can easily take care of that person, make sure he/she grows and matures in his/her spiritual life, and bear fruit later on.

But when we have more than one person to plant the seed of the Spirit, we will begin to have problems. We have to make sure that the persons have a good relationship with one another. We have to make sure that the food we give each spirit is commensurate with his/her capacity to take.

The problem is compounded when we have a crowd to take care of. There will always be persons who are slow to understand the Word of God, who will miss our instruction, who will be led astray by other teachings, etc.

Augustine of Hippo experienced this when he had a crowd whom he called "fruit of the true faith and holy seed of heaven". He wrote many things and preached many sermons to take care of this crowd whom he called seed of heaven.

And so we have to take care of this stage of spiritual development, the increase of spirits born, growing, maturing and bearing fruit.

In the succeeding posts we will be dealing with some of these problems.

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The Sixth Stage of Spiritual Development

The sixth stage in spiritual development is fruitfulness. The spirit bears fruit.

Bearing Spiritual Fruits Is Natural, Normal Activity

Bearing fruit is the natural outcome of maturity. A plant cannot bear fruit while it is yet too young, immature for its kind. It has to wait for some months or years. Some plants mature in a matter of months, like the eggplant. But other plants mature in years like the oak tree. The eggplant matures in 3 months. Oak trees take 20 to 50 years to mature and bear acorns.

So also in the world of human spirits, some take months only to bear fruit, others take years to do so. This is because some take shorter time to mature. Others take a longer time to mature. The spirit of Maria Goretti matured and bore fruit in a matter of months. The spirit of Augustine of Hippo took a longer time to mature.

Threefold Use of Fruits

Fruits serve three purposes. They are delightful for the eyes to behold, nutritional to the body and soul, and they contain the seed for the replication or reproduction of the organism which bears it.

Fruits of the tree are a delight to see either naturally on the branches or with artistic arrangement on the table. So also the spirit bears fruit by making the person who has the mature spirit beautiful to behold, not necessarily physical, but in disposition. Slowly now the demeanor of the spiritual person is changed. From an impatient, worried person he/she becomes patient and calm.

Nine Faces of a Person with Spiritual Fruit

There are nine characteristics of a person who is bearing the fruit of the spirit. These are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

The person, first of all, is loving. He has the inner and natural disposition to give of himself/herself in service to others.

Secondly, he/she is joyful. His/her joy is not controlled by circumstances but by an inner indefinable disposition. Even in the midst of scarcity or suffering, he/she is joyful.

Thirdly, he/she is peaceful. This peace radiates on the face of the spiritual person.

Fourthly, he/she is patient. He/she does not rush things through. He/she is not self-willed, but waits for circumstances to take their time in order to accomplish things.

Fifthly, he/she is kind. He/she is kind even to those unkind to him/her, even to animals and plants.

Sixthly, he/she is good. His/her thoughts are always on what is good for himself/herself and for others.

Seventhly, he/she is faithful in what he/she says or promises to others. His/her words can be trusted and relied upon.

Eighthly, he/she is gentle. He/she is amiable and tender in disposition, not harsh. This gentleness is seen even in the way the person speaks.

Ninthly, the spirit bears fruit of self-control. This applies especially to liquor or the enjoyment of sex. He/she has control of the things to enjoy. He/she enjoys in moderation.

As the fruit of the spirit we become loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, self-controlled. We now have a sense of direction in our life, we feel fulfilled and happy.

Spiritual Fruit Is Nourishment

Fruits are not only delightful to the eyes. They also give nutrition to our soul and body. They give food and drink. They nourish us.

So also in the world of the spirits, there are fruits which nourish us. These are the "fruits of righteousness which come through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God", as found in Philippians 1:11. The spirit produces the good things in what we do, fruits of righteous works, the good works we do to others (Ephesians 2:10). Others and we are blessed and nourished because of these good works which are the fruit of the spirit in us. We become better spirits because of these fruits of good works.

Fruits Contain the Seed for Multiplication

Fruits contain the seed which is needed for the reproduction of the organism. The ripe eggplant fruit contains the seed for the further reproduction of more eggplants. The acorns contain the seed for the reproduction of more oak trees.

So also in the human spirit world the spirit bears fruit in us which contain the seed to produce more spirits. This is the fruit referred to by Jesus in John 15:1-2, "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch of mine that bears no fruit, he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit."

This is the fruit of reproducing the spirit in others. It is multiplying the spirit through the seed, the Word of God. We now possess the Word of God in ourselves that we can plant in the hearts of other people and produce other spirits. There will be more and more spirits or spiritual persons among us.

We sow this seed of God's Word in the hearts of those around us by teaching, preaching, witnessing, seminars, workshops, a word of advice, reading the Bible in public or in small groups, serving others, etc.

Again, we say that these fruits are the normal outcome of our spiritual maturity. No amount of moralizing or preaching can produce these fruits in us and others. They just appear when the spirit in us is ready.

What began as the seed of the spirit in us, the Word of God, has now matured and bears fruit beautiful and delightful to behold, nutritious and nourishing our body and soul, and able and willing to multiply itself in others.

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The Fifth Stage of Spiritual Development

We come now to the fifth stage in spiritual development, the stage of maturity.

Maturation: The Ability to Take Care of Oneself

As an organism grows normally, it matures. It comes to the stage when it becomes able to take care of itself. The trunk of the plant becomes stronger, its roots grow deeper and its leaves multiply to transform light into its energy to grow still more.
The animal is now able to look for food by itself, adapts to its environment and gathers what is needed by its family or group of animals, such as food in the case of ants.

As the human being matures he/she learns a necessary profession, a trade or work so that he/she can feed himself/herself, and his/her family later on.

So also in the spiritual life, the spirit matures. It learns the necessary activities so that he/she no longer relies on preachers, ministers, priests, and teachers for his/her spiritual life. He/she now gets his/her spiritual nourishment by himself/herself from God and from him alone.

Duration of Maturation Varies

Reaching maturity in the spiritual life takes time, just like in spiritual conception. Again, as in spiritual conception, the length of time varies. Some will take a longer time to mature than others. A few or rather very few reach maturity quickly, even just within a year. Most will take years, even decades to mature.

The length of the period of maturing also usually depends on what physical age the spirit enters this stage. An older person may possibly reach maturity faster than one who enters at a younger age, although this is not always the case.

There are documented cases of young persons who reach spiritual maturity very quickly, even faster than those of older age.

Maturation in Prayer

The process of spiritually maturing usually starts with an improvement in the way one prays. When a person starts to pray he/she normally uses words, either spontaneous or formulated. It is spontaneous prayer if the person just uses words he/she finds by himself/herself to express his/her feelings or needs. It is formulated prayer when he/she uses an already written prayer like the Our Father in Christianity or the Surah Al-Fatihah in Islam.

As a person matures in the spiritual life he/she transcends or goes beyond praying by words, either spontaneous or formulated. He/she gives more and more intense attention to what he/she is praying. He/she now prays with his/her mind, not just with his/her lips, with greater consciousness of what he/she is praying about.

Still progressing in the way of praying, he/she transcends or goes beyond thinking of what he/she is praying about. Instead the focus now of his/her prayer is on the person he/she is praying to: God. He/she thinks more and more of God, learns more of him and grows in affection towards him.

Through this process of praying, the spirit reaches maturity. He/she begins to have his/her own spiritual resources because he/she is now more and more united to the source of all resources, God himself. As he/she thinks more of his/her spiritual parent, God, and draws closer and closer to him by affection, he/she actually becomes more and more like him, God. He/she becomes more and more godly.

The topic of spiritual maturation is a very rich one and volume upon volume of books has been written on this. Let me just briefly discuss the three surest signs by which we know that a spirit has matured.

Indications of Spiritual Maturity

The first indication of spiritual maturity is that the person is becoming more and more conscious of his/her dependence on God for everything that happens in his/her life, whether this pertains to his/her body or his/her mind. He/she becomes more and more conscious that his/her physical health and well being, his/her food, medicines, etc., depend on God and God alone.

We are all dependent on God, but most of us are not aware of this. We think we can do things by our own. The spiritually mature person on the other hand is more and more conscious of total dependence on God in everything in his/her life.

The second indication is a gradual detachment from everything that is not God, whether this is material, physical, intellectual, or aesthetic, in oneself and in others.

He/she is no longer attached to his/her material wealth if he/she has this, nor does he/she complain of poverty if this is his/her lot.

He/she is no longer attached to his/her good looks if he/she is physically handsome or beautiful. Nor does he/she complain of physical ugliness or disability if this is his/her lot.

He/she is no longer attached to his/her ideas about anything, about others, about himself/herself, or about anything. If he/she has attained high educational attainment, he/she no longer relies on this to produce ideas or manage things.

The third indication of spiritual maturity is a critical stance or attitude to the way religion is practiced by himself/herself and by others. He/she now criticizes himself/herself on his/her religious practices. He/she realizes that these are not enough. He/she has no self-satisfaction in his/her religious practices, in his/her following God's commandments. He/she realizes that he/she is always deficient in obeying what God requires of him/her.

There are other signs of spiritual maturity, but these three are the surest signs that a person has entered into the period of spiritual maturity.

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The Fourth Stage of Spiritual Development

After birth, the Spirit grows within us. This is now the fourth stage of spiritual development: the growth of God's spirit in us. Just as among human beings, after they are born they naturally grow, so also among the spirits in us, after they are born, they grow.

Growth: Becoming Like the Parent

As organisms grow they gradually show themselves to be like their parent or their species. When the seeds of different kinds of grain begin to germinate they look similar to one another, blades of grass. But as they continue to grow they become distinguishable from one another. One grows to be wheat, another grows to be rice, another grows to be barley, etc.

In a similar way the zygotes or fertilized eggs of mammals appear to be the same among different mammals. But as they grow into fetuses they soon become distinguishable. One is the fetus of a cow, another of a dog, another of a human being.

Spiritual Growth: Becoming Like the Parent Spirit

So also when spirits are born, the persons in whom the spirit is born still looks like other human beings, those in whom the spirit has not yet been born. Physically, they look like the same: Both have two hands, 2 feet, 2 ears, etc. But in reality they are completely different from each other, they are worlds apart.

One has only a material, physical life. The other has spiritual life in addition to having a material, physical life. One is merely a human being, even a very good, talented human being. The other is a growing divine being. One is an earthly creature, the other is a heavenly being, being born from the Spirit above. One belongs to the human race; the other belongs also to the divine race.

As the spirit in us grows he/she becomes more and more, and manifests himself/herself more and more like his/her parent, the Spirit God.

As human beings we inherited the characteristics of the first human parent, Adam. The seed of Adam has been passed from generation to generation producing human beings like Adam, the first human being. As we grow as human beings, these characteristics become more and more visible.

As spirit or divine beings we inherit the characteristics of our divine parent, God himself. The seed of God which is His Word is passed on to us from generation to generation also producing divine beings like Jesus, the new human being, the human being with a divine nature. As we grow in the divine life, these characteristics become more and more visible.

Growing Has Its Inner Dynamism

There is a dynamism in the spirit to grow by himself/herself. You do not tell him/her to grow. He/she grows naturally. But like other living organisms, he/she needs the proper nutrients. The first is good food. We already saw that the food of the spirit is the Word of God.

Four Kinds of Food in the Word of God

The Word of God as food can be classified into four kinds: starting food or milk, growing food or solid food, strengthening food or very nutritious food, and reinvigorating food or dainty food.

The milk or starting food in the Word of God consists of the many stories we find in the Bible. These are simple stories which children naturally like to listen. The Bible is filled with these stories, from creation to the end of the world.

The solid or growing food in the Word of God consists of the exhortations we read, like what we find in the text on the Ten Commandments and the various injunctions in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. Proverbs also has many of this solid or growing food.

The very nutritious or strengthening food consists of the doctrines or teachings we find in the various books of the Bible. A very good example of this is the Letter of Paul to the Romans. It is filled with heavy teaching.

The dainty food or delicious food consists of the mystical and apocalyptic literature in the Bible. Curious people are very much interested in this. A very good example of this is the last book of the Bible, Revelation.

The spirit takes his/her pick, what is most suitable to him/her. Of course, it would be of very much help if there is somebody who can guide the spirit what food to eat in the various stages of his/her growth.

Spiritual Movement Is Outcome of Growth

Not only does the spirit need food, he/she also needs to move around his/her house. This he/she does by doing the things his/her family of spirits does in the Church, like cleaning the place of worship, inviting people to listen to the preaching and teaching of God's Word, learning Christian songs, etc.

Rest Is Needed in Growing

Thirdly, the spirit also needs rest. He/she needs periods of doing nothing but just resting and being alone.

The Need for Discipline

Then he/she also needs to be disciplined by his/her Father Spirit God. This means that he/she avoids what can harm himself/herself, such as going with people who have no concern for spiritual matters.

Fellowship in Growth

And he/she needs to relate harmoniously with his/her spirit brothers and sisters and his/her parent God the Spirit. He/she has fellowship with his/her spirit brothers and sisters. And he/she devotes more and more time to conversing with his/her parent God. This is prayer.

In this way the spirit grows within us.

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