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3 Main Signs of a True Christian

If the 2 billion plus people who are classified as Christians were true Christians we would have a totally different world. We would have lesser number of very poor people, much lesser number of crimes, and an increasing number of people who make other people happy.

Unfortunately and very sadly too, most of the 2 billion or more who say they are Christians are false Christians. They are not true as they do not show the signs of a real Christian.

Worst Kind of Counterfeit

We have fake money bills, fake documents, fake transcripts of records, fake certificates, fake signatures. But the worst and most dangerous counterfeit is not money or document but a fake Christian. The reason is because a fake Christian can create havoc not just in the banks or in employment but in all the sectors of society.

It was fake Christians who have been waging wars all through these centuries, including the two world wars, putting to death millions of human beings.

To recognize who these fake Christians are we need to know the signs of a true Christian. There are three main signs.

Signs of a True Christian

First, the true Christian is one who is no longer seeking for something in this world to save himself or make himself happy. If you have been to an Easter Party with an Easter egg, you would know what I mean.

In an Easter Party where the people search for the Easter egg you see children and adults walking around, searching for the coveted Easter egg, a colored egg hidden in furniture, in grass, in other places around the venue of the party. They keep on looking for this Easter egg until it is found. Most of the time there are many of such egg and people look for more and more of them, until the moderator of the game tells the partying people that the total number of Easter eggs have been found.

That is what most people do. They are looking for something that can make them happy. Some people think that this is found in money and more money, and so they acquire more of this. Others think that this is found in having three good meals a day, a sturdy roof over their head, and a set of comfortable clothes. So they work for these from day to day. Still others think that they can find happiness in honor. So they search for ways and means to become celebrities, whether at school, in the movie industry or in politics or in other areas.

First Sign: Having Found What She Has Been Looking For

The true Christian has found genuine happiness and knows where she has found this, in an encounter with God in Christ. This encounter happens when she has heard personally the word of God spoken to her and she has responded accordingly. Without this personal experience of God addressing oneself there is no real Christian.

In the case of Charles Haddon Spurgeon, he had this personal encounter when he heard God personally speaking to him through a preacher, “Look unto me . . .” from Isaiah 45:22.

In the case of Therese Martin, she heard the personal word of God when she read Proverbs 9:4, “Whoever is a little one, let him come to me.”

This personal experience with the word of God is not something reserved to the saints or great Christians. This is the necessary experience of every true Christian. This makes the person discover where true happiness lies, in Christ and in him alone.

Because of this experience, the true Christian stops looking for something to truly satisfy her thirst for happiness. She has found it and it shows in her life. She does not come and go here and there searching for something to make her happy. She has found happiness and it shows in her demeanor.

Second Sign: Constant Learner of the Christ

The second main sign of a true Christian is that she is learning about the Christ. And this shows in her thoughts and in her words.

A simple but very correct definition of a Christian is that she is a learner of the Christ, because the basic meaning of “disciple” in Greek is “learner”. If a Christian is a disciple of Christ, then she is a learner. She learns something of the Christ every day.

To do this she has a book or a string of beads to meditate on the life and works of the Christ. And she does this not because she has been told to do so by a teacher in religion or Bible study group. She does this because she loves Christ and she wants to know more about him. This is done on a daily basis, not once in a while.

This second sign of a true Christian disqualifies almost all those who even go to church daily or once a week to be called real Christians. This is because they are content with going to church daily or once a week and never advance in their personal knowledge of the Christ.

The third sign of a true Christian is something that Jesus himself said was the true sign of his followers. And this sign is something that cannot be faked. It is so simple and yet it cannot be produced by mere human effort. It is produced by God in us and through us. Unless this sign is clear in our lives we cannot say that we are real Christians.

The Third Sign: Love

But is it not just a wishy-washy kind of love. It is love that endures through death and even beyond death. It is not a fine feeling for the person next to you whom you happen to like.

Beyond love of God and love of neighbor, this is love of other true Christians. The true Christian senses a deep affinity with other true Christians, an affinity stronger than family ties. And she loves the other true Christians not with her human love but with the love of Christ himself.

Now, how is this love of Christ himself for the other true Christians shown so that other people can see it? It is shown by caring unto the uttermost, just as Jesus cared for that person to the uttermost.

These are the three main signs of a true Christian: 1) The true Christian no longer is looking for something to make her happy; she has found what makes her totally happy through a personal encounter with the Word of God. 2) The true Christian learns about the Christ daily. She discovers something new about the Christ everyday. And she keeps on learning about the Christ. 3) The true Christian has a genuine love for the other true Christians, a love that comes from Jesus himself, shown by caring for the other Christians to the uttermost.

It is not baptism nor any other sacrament, nor doing good deeds to our fellow men, nor going to church and performing religious or church activities that tell others we are true Christians. It is sense of total happiness radiating around us, a continuous desire to learn more of the Christ, and genuine Christ’s love for the other true Christian that tell others we are true Christians.

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Most Intriguing of the Spiritual Gifts

There is one spiritual gift that has intrigued me, or has aroused a great interest or curiosity on my part. And I am writing about it here in the hope that others who have experienced this gift may give an explanation of why this happens and how this happens. It seems that the why is more easily answered than the how.

Spiritual gifts are necessary for our spiritual development. They are abilities or functions given by the Spirit for the spiritual development of individuals as well as of the Church. What they are depends on how we look at these gifts.

Kinds of Spiritual Gifts

There are so called charismatic gifts such as speaking in tongues or other languages, interpretation of tongues, healing, etc.

There are also function gifts like the gift of being an apostle, an evangelist, a teacher, a giver, etc.

Still there are other spiritual gifts which are not included under the first two categories I have mentioned, such as the gift of celibacy, the gift of interpreting dreams, the gift of voluntary poverty, etc.

The gift that I am going to discuss now is not enumerated explicitly in the Bible but it is described there. It is being talked in a way by some people but it is not explicitly what I am going to describe here. Some people talk of the multiplying of seeds or of one’s net worth. But the gift I refer to is the multiplying of things, like the multiplication of bread and fish in the story of the Gospels.

The Gift of Multiplying Things

We read in the Gospels that Jesus multiplied bread and fish on two occasions. In the Old Testament we read that God rained manna on the desert for the Israelites to eat. In this sense God multiplied food also.

But most of us or rather none of us have seen food being multiplied before our very eyes. I say “none of us” until we hear reports that indeed food has multiplied before somebody’s physical eyes.

I am intrigued by this gift of multiplying things, which gift or power Jesus had in the multiplication of the bread and fish, because it has happened to me on certain occasions but this was never under the control of my will. It just happened without my willing or even desiring it.

Instances of Multiplication

In 1982 I was eating a plate of rice when I noticed after 15 minutes of eating that the rice was still of the same quantity. The cooked rice had multiplied before my eyes. I did not will it. I did not desire it. There was plenty of rice in the rice cooker, but the one on my plate multiplied. That happened only once. But who knows, it may happen again.

But it is not only food that multiplies. Money also multiplies. The amount involved is small but it is real. It multiplies usually when I need a certain amount, just enough for a bus fare, for example. I put a certain bill into my pocket for fare. I go out and ride a bus. I pay the conductor with that bill. I return the change to my pocket. Then I notice the bill of money is still there, the same amount.

This happens not only once but several times already.

The intriguing thing here is that I cannot will this multiplication. I do not even pray for it. It just happens.

The Why and How of the Gift of Multiplication

Why does it happen, this multiplying of things like food or small amounts of money? One answer is that it happens because a person needs it.

But how does it happen? Frankly I do not know. We know of certain processes of multiplication, like the multiplication of prints by carbon copying or Xerox machines, the copying of pictures and sounds by tapes and other storage devices. But we do not yet how actual things, like food or money, multiply without the intervention of machines.

Theoretically nothing is impossible, but why do some possible things become actual and others are not actualized is a subject science or religion will have to tell us later on. Until then, you can tell us about your experience on this matter.

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